Social Media Intelligence

Social Media Intelligence

Benchmark social media channels

Compare the performance of a company’s social media channels against its competitors.

Understand relative traction and engagement with online audiences, including:

  • Web traffic directed from social channels
  • Current audience channel size, reaction and activity
  • Cumulative channel performance analysis by year
  • This year vs Last year audience change
  • Social channel activity audience reaction analysis
  • Audience growth per channel

Features and Benefits

  • Cross-channel view

    Compare cross-channel audience size (e.g followers, subscribers), activity volumes (posts, pictures, videos, tweets) and audience engagement (likes, shares, retweets).

  • Trending

    Understand changes over time in audience size, activity and engagement and how this varies across a peer set of competitors to identify where gains are being made.

  • Like-for-like competitor benchmarking

    Find strengths & weaknesses relative to competitors to uncover value creation opportunities.

Use Cases

  • M&A due diligence (CDD, Tech DD for technology assets, value creation)
  • Consulting (commercial strategy, digital transformation, digital marketing, customer experience)
  • Business development

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